Independent Music Hubs is a platform created by UFi (The Spanish Independent Music Companies Association) to back the promotion and international mobility of artists from the independent sector in Europe and to create international networks between the different professionals from the sector, through the organization of days of networking sessions and artist showcases in different cities of Europe.
The project has a bilateral and collaborative character between music industry collectives and organizations from the countries involved in each edition.
Independent Music Hubs aims to build up bridges between independent record label managers, venue managers, festival’s booking managers and PR among others agents within the independent music sector in Europe.
The structure of each edition is made of:
– Networking meetings between music agents from Spain and from the country in where IMH is celebrated each year. These sessions are made up of panels and speed meetings between the participants of each edition.
– Showcases with a length of 35-40 minutes by 2 or 3 Spanish bands/solo artists, selected through an open call between the organizer and the local partner of each edition. In some editions of IMH, a local band will join the line – up of the concerts cases to boost the intercultural exchange chased and the creation of new audiences.